Na stránke Informácie pre študentov / Rozvrh hodín vzniká prvá verzia rozvrhu hodín na LS ak. roku 2013 - 2014.
Create a new process design, or solve a process plant problem and win free attendance to the prestigious Honeywell Users Group to present your work
Náhradný termín prezentácie diplomových projektov je 14.2.2014 o 11:00 hod. v miestnosti 641 (693).
Prednáška Matematika pre doktorandov sa bude konať vo štvrtok o 11.00 hod v miestnosti CH 11.
Prvá prednáška bude dňa 27. 2. 2014.
Prednášať začína doc. Varga
AGRANA - Slovenské cukrovary, a.s. v Seredi majú záujem zaradiť do výcvikového programu a zamestnať absolventov odboru Automatizácia a informatizácia v chémii a potravinárstve.
Dr. Yuri Shardt, an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow from University of Duisburg-Essen, will give a talk on Developing Soft Sensors for Process Control on Monday, February 3, 2014 at 10:00 in room no. 641.
A research position is available at the Institute of Information Engineering, Automation, and Mathematics, STU in Bratislava in the field of embedded optimization-based control. We are seeking an Early Stage Researcher (ESR) to work on implementation of explicit model predictive control on programmable logic controllers (PLCs). The successful candidate will also work on case studies with the employing partner and with other consortium partners. The position is funded by the TEMPO EU FP7 project.